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Thursday, December 17

Australia: family catch up

Next stop is Australia, all passengers for Australia please get off here and don’t forget your luggage, sense or other valuables. Next stop is… Australia!
Damn! I love Australia. Pretty much everybody I know who has visited Australia says they could potentially live there. Me too! Australia has something je-ne-sais-quoi, a sort of friendly glow. And it’s an English speaking country in a pleasant climate, imagine that! OK, there is the US too, but who would want to live in the states?

I am in the land of Oz, Melbourne to be precise, only short this time with a specific purpose:
catch up with my Mammen’s side of the family, who I see only once every so many years, besides Rohan that is, who moved to London recently.

The whole XXX bunch including the latest member: Oscar. 
Being in Melbourne means also being back in the Western world and although I’m further away from home than ever it feels somehow homey.

Melbourne City, shops with price tags! 

The visit feels very familiar, staying in XXX house, making cheese sandwiches for breakfast, a powerful hot shower, a reliable wireless connection, missing the tram, going out to pubs and restaurants, winning playing pool (ok Andre, it was a tie)….it’s like being home, and I like it.
So why then this travelling thing, you might ask. Good question. I guess being outside the usual comfort zone can a give similar sort of satisfaction on a different level, if you catch my drift. But travelling forever? No way, José! 4 months will be plenty to satisfy my current unidentified travel desires and I will crave for cheese sandwiches soon again I’m afraid.

On the last of my 5 day visit we go for a hike in Mornington Penisula National Park. Nature in this area of Australia is very different from what I’ve seen so far in Asia.

Obviously it has different road signing
And matching wildlife, though demonstrating not to be injured.
xxx and Andre taking in the far stretching views
South coast rocks

Nearly soaked

  Actually soaked?
Lunch time

 Andre high in the sky
But perhaps I am higher in the sky?
Before you know it the travel-train blows its whistle and call passengers to leave their loved ones and hop on board for departure to a New destination, a New country, a New experience. I’m on my way to New Zealand.
In New Zealand I will travel with Ward who will arrive from Amsterdam at the same day. We will be there for nearly 4 weeks and I’ll try to persuade Ward to write a few words on this blog as well. Don’t expect too much, he is not the brightest fellow :)